Discovering Learners’ True Potential
Unlocking your Learners’ natural inclinations is a key step in helping them realise their true potential. The Inclinations Assessment is designed to clarify their strengths, interests, and potential career paths. With the assessment report, they can reflect on their journey and engage in meaningful conversations with caregivers and Teachers.
When and How to Take the Inclinations Assessment
We recommend that the Inclinations Assessment be completed at the start of Term 3. Learners should set aside approximately 45 minutes in a quiet, distraction-free environment to complete the assessment. This important step will guide them as they explore subject choices for Grade 9.
Accessing the Inclinations Assessment on WhatsApp
To ensure a smooth experience with the Inclinations Assessment on WhatsApp, follow these easy steps:
1. Save the number 060 060 3333 in your phone contacts as “TeacherConnectchat”.
2. Send a WhatsApp message with the keyword “IGO” to TeacherConnectchat.
3. Help your Learners in registering and choosing their preferred language for the assessment.
4. Let your Learners dive into the assessment as they answer all the questions.
5. Once completed, your Learners will receive their assessment results. Take the time to review and discuss these results with them.
For more detailed instructions on completing the Inclinations Assessment on WhatsApp, please see this guide.
Need More Resources?
If your schools want to explore what Yenza has to offer, share these flyers for more information and special offers:

Uncover your Learners’ unique talents and ignite a passion for career exploration!
Discovering Learners’ natural traits and strengths will take them on a journey of self-discovery, shaping a future where they can truly thrive.