Introduction to Project-Based Learning

Dear Awesome Educator

To the heroes who are selfless, loving, caring, and kind and who have moulded us from the ground up making us the champions we are today, thank you. Your profession has stood against all odds because of your willingness and courage to show up and your ‘can do’ attitude that has made education the wonder that is today.

Before you get started on this training journey, we’d like to remind you of some important information about your exciting programme.

This training consists of 5 lessons that should take you approximately 2 hours each to complete (approximately 10 hours in total). The wonderful thing about online learning is that you can do it anytime and anyplace (and pace) that suits your needs!

If you’re not able to access data, why don’t you try visiting one of the District Teacher Development Centers? You can find a list of them here.

We also invite you to sign up for the TeacherConnectcommunity where you have the chance to chat through your course with your peers online. Click here to join the community.

We see and appreciate your work. The sacrifices that you have made are not unnoticed. We invite you to join us on this life-changing journey as we make a difference in South African education. Let us grow the mindsets of South African learners and help them become problem-finders and solution-seekers.

We are learning with you and with experts such as yourselves in the classroom, the possibilities are endless.

Here’s to our learners’ futures!

The ‘Introduction to Project-based Learning’ training was created by the DBE’s E3 programme with the support of the LEGO Foundation.

Want to know more about E3? Go here. (you will be leaving TeacherConnectlearn where data rates may apply)

Click on Module Overview below to continue.

Course Content

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 37 Topics
  • 17 Activities